Introduction to Critical Intelligence Studies
(01:790:292, 3 Credits)

This foundational course is designed to provide students with the context and concepts that form the basis for the intelligence-gathering in which the United States government engages. Beginning with an examination of the role of intelligence-gathering in world history, the course proceeds to examine critically the role of intelligence in the American republican democracy. After reviewing the evolution of the structure of the intelligence-gathering community, the course examines the concepts and practices used to identify, collect, interpret, analyze, and communicate intelligence that can be used by strategists, policy makers, military, security, and the police to advance homeland security.

Critical Thinking & Analytic Writing in the Intelligence Community
(01:790:483, 3 Credits)

Students will learn the fundamental skills of a successful intelligence analyst: developing sound analysis through the use of structured analytical techniques and communicating analytical judgements effectively in both written products and oral presentations. Students will be taught how to research, develop, draft, refine and present analytic products consistent with the tradecraft currently used by Intelligence Community professionals.

Research in Critical Intelligence Studies
(01:790:484, 3 Credits)

One of the most important skills an intelligence analyst can possess is the ability to properly conduct research and present that research through clear and concise writing. Through this guided independent study, students will select a topic and write a 20-25 page research paper that synthesizes knowledge of an intelligence/national security issue.

A separate section of this course is reserved for students selected for research fellowships. Students with research fellowships report to their research teams for weekly assignments and do NOT submit a 20-25 page research paper.

Internship in Critical Intelligence Studies
(01:790:485, 3 Credits)

The Internship in Critical Intelligence Studies is an experiential learning program through which students may earn 3 academic credits for interning in a field related to intelligence or national security. Your internship experience will enable you to observe professionals and process in action, which will allow you to test some of the ideas, theories, and material presented in critical intelligence studies classes. You will also witness first-hand some of the career possibilities available to CIS minors, and you will play a meaningful role in important real-world endeavors.

National Security Policy
(01:790:349, 3 Credits)

This course is an introduction to the role of intelligence in National Security Policy. The course focuses on changes to laws and policies made in response to reviews and reports conducted following World War II, the Vietnam era, and the terrorist attacks of 9/11, and how those changes have been implemented in policy and practice. Students will undertake case studies of actions taken in response to national security crises, examine the legislative and judicial responses to those events, and compare intelligence policy decisions in shaping the structure of the federal intelligence community.

Defense Policy
(01:790:323, 3 Credits)

This course aims to be much more than a study of organizational charts, budgets, and weapons systems, or the parsing of decisions made by famous leaders. The goal is for students to understand how U.S. defense policy emerges from a constantly evolving conceptualization of the nature of war, the nation, and vital national security interest. The emphasis is on the politics of policy.